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BeNe - Silver Digital Package

Belgium and The Netherlands Closed for registration €150/£135


As a marketing agency, Tourism Ireland has built a database of engaged consumer contacts. By applying for this opportunity, you will be able to make the most of our reach and engagement across the following channels: 

  • Facebook 202k followers 
  • Instagram 23.7k followers 
  • Consumer e-zine database of 29,500 active consumers. Average open rate is 43% and average click rate 2.3%  

This opportunity includes: 

  • 1 x Social Post
  • 1 x Instagram story
  • 1x Offer featured in Consumer newsletter (1 month)
  • 1 x Offer featured on consumer website (1 month) 

Please contact Eef ( to express your interest in this opportunity. 

Note: This is a limited opportunity with 10 spaces available. We will select interested partners aligning with our campaign planning schedule and based on the in-market potential we see.   

All materials provided will be subject to editorial control. Material provided must be of high standard; a quirky story, eye - catching images which appeal to the audience. This will encourage a higher engagement rate with your content and increased clicks to your website. 


Opportunity Type
Activity category
Partnership Programmes
Digital Packages
Destination programme
Island of Ireland
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