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14 October 2024

Tourism Ireland’s latest research reveals what compels overseas visitors to choose the island of Ireland

Tourism Ireland will share the findings of its latest programme of research this week – about what compels overseas visitors to choose the island of Ireland – at a virtual event which will be attended by hundreds of tourism and travel operators from Ireland and overseas.

Tourism Ireland’s latest programme of ‘sentiment tracker’ research was commissioned to understand the current views of prospective visitors regarding international travel and, in particular, why they would choose the island of Ireland for a holiday. The organisation partnered with RED C to conduct a study among thousands of potential holidaymakers in Great Britain, the United States, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Canada to understand perceptions. Tourism Ireland uses the findings of research to continually refine marketing programmes overseas, in order to grow the value of inbound tourism for economies and communities across the island of Ireland.

Some of the main findings of the latest programme of research include:

  • For 81% of respondents exploration is the key motivator for a holiday to any destination, with a desire to explore landscapes, culture and new places.
  • Ability to disconnect is the second most important motivator, with 71% wanting to unwind, disconnect and enjoy special moments with others.
  • Ireland is twice as likely to be seen as a long-stay destination (44% respondents) versus a short break destination (20% respondents).
  • 78% see the island of Ireland as a place to visit any time (peak or off-peak) – showing our versatility as a tourist destination all year round.
  • Interest in visiting Ireland has seen a significant jump since 2023, growing by +8 percentage points from 67% (2023) to 75% (2024) of respondents.
  • Of those planning to visit Ireland, beautiful landscapes and scenery are the main attractor across all markets (34% of those interested in visiting), comparatively of highest importance to Europeans (Germany 46%, France 44%, Italy 39%).  
  • Great culture and rich history are further attractors, important particularly to visitors from the US, Canada and Spain.
  • Having been before, or having friends and family on the island of Ireland are draws for people, especially from Great Britain where 12% of those interested in visiting are motivated by a previous experience and 13% by visiting friends and family.
  • Ireland is attractive for 14% of those planning to travel based on a sense ‘newness’ or discovery, rising to 19% for Northern Ireland.
  • Among overseas audiences not interested in visiting Ireland, competition with other destinations is a factor (14% of those not interested in visiting us say they have ‘places they would prefer to go’). Weather acts as cause for concern for a minority in European markets (France 19%, Germany 15%) to a greater extent than for North Americans (US 3%, Canada 7%).  
  • Recommendations and online discovery are most important when it comes to how consumers choose holidays, followed by films and TV shows and travel articles, and these are all important channels Tourism Ireland plays to in its marketing.  
  • 64% of previous visitors to Ireland have shared photos and stories online, highlighting the value of advocacy, and giving visitors great stories to tell.

This programme of research will help inform Tourism Ireland’s future activity as the organisation plans for 2025 and beyond. For more information, click here

Alice Mansergh, Chief Executive of Tourism Ireland, said: “The sentiment tracker undertaken with RED C highlights strengths that the island of Ireland can play to in order to win visitors – our epic scenery, great culture, history and heritage, and the sense of exploration that we offer. It is positive to see that interest in visiting has increased, to 75% from 67% in 2023. The island of Ireland is a versatile destination – perceived as suitable for visits year-round by 78% of overseas respondents. Recommendations and online research are the key ways consumers source travel inspiration, followed by film and TV and travel articles. Understanding consumers’ motivations and travel booking behaviours is both fascinating and vital, as we compete with other global destinations. Tourism Ireland’s marketing focuses on winning visitors’ hearts, minds and trips from overseas to support the businesses and communities island-wide who depend on tourism.”

Notes to Editors:

  • Tourism Ireland is the organisation responsible for promoting the island of Ireland overseas as a leading holiday destination.
  • 2023 was the first full year of trading for tourism after the pandemic. By year end, the combined revenue estimate for the island of Ireland from overseas tourism was €6.4 billion, which was ahead of 2019 levels.